ABC’s for Leaders – “A”

Just what I needed

Leadership Freak

ABC's for Leaders

Today’s words for leaders begin with “A.”

A’s from Facebook contributors:

  1. Appreciation
  2. Ally
  3. Accessible
  4. Affirmation
  5. Accountable
  6. Available
  7. Adroit
  8. Adaptive
  9. Authenticity
  10. Audacious
  11. Aspire
  12. Alacrity (I had to look that one up. It means: cheerful readiness. Good word.)

See the entire list of A’s for leaders on Facebook. My addition to the “A” list is …


Leadership isn’t pressuring people to tune into you. Successful leaders tune into others. Daniel Pink calls attunement, “Perspective-taking.” (To Sell is Human)

Perspective-taking lowers barriers, connects, and enhances influence.

Those forced to defend their perspective
can’t afford to take yours.

Influence begins by taking another’s perspective.

How to Attune:

The research of Galinsky, Magee, and Gruenfeld suggest the more power you have the less likely you are to take another’s perspective.

Those in charge are out of touch
because they are in charge.

Stop assuming you have power. Status blocks perspective…

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